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union county orthodontists spotlight injury prevention

by:Taiyi Electronic     2020-03-31
Wearing proper protective gear can prevent many sports injuries.
April is the national month of facial protection, Drs, orthodontic physician, Westfield/Linden/Cranford.
Scott and Stanley Gersch, as well as dental colleagues, want to remind athletes, their parents and coaches to wear their mouths and appropriate protective gear to ensure the safety of the game while attending events that may cause injury
The mouth guard is one of the cheapest protective equipment. Over-the-
The cost of the counter version is only $5.
Oral protection can not only preserve the teeth, but also protect the chin from breaking, Dr.
Scott Gersch noted that oral guards can also prevent neck and central nervous system injuries by reducing the amount of force passed through the chin to the base of the skull.
The oral guard can only provide protection when worn, so the doctor
Stanley Gersch advises parents and coaches to remind teenagers to always use oral protection devices when participating in any activity in which the mouth may be exposed to hard objects or sidewalks.
\"Athletes wearing braces should consult their orthodontic doctors to get advice on the best oral protective devices to wear during orthodontic treatment,\" said Dr. Scott Gersch.
Consistent use of other protective equipment is also important.
Helmets can save lives and prevent head injuries.
They should wear in activities such as bicycles, skateboarding, or skating. line skates.
Many organized sports require helmets to be worn.
\"Any activity that endangers the head should be put on a helmet,\" said Dr. Gersch said.
Facial protection, made of plastic or metal, is attached to a baseball helmet and also helps to prevent facial injuries.
Drs if the teeth are injured.
Stanley and Scott Gesch provide the following advice: broken teeth clean the injured area and apply ice cubes.
• The tip of the tooth (
Possible reconnection)
Call your dentist right away.
• Finding teeth;
Held by the Crown (
Wide part, not tip/root).
Avoid rubbing the root or touching the root.
Rinse the teeth only when debris needs to be removed.
Put the teeth back into the socket;
Cover with gauze or paper towel, bite down and stabilize.
Or simply store your teeth in cold milk or salt water, or place them between your cheeks and your gums.
Don\'t dry your teeth.
If properly taken care of, a tooth can be preserved and replanted within an hour.
Go to the dentist immediately.
The National Facial Protection Month is sponsored annually by Drs.
Stanley and Scott Gersch in Gersch orthodontics (GerschOrtho. com)
American Association of orthodontic physicians (braces. org)
American Association of oral and facial surgeons (aaoms. org)
American Society of Pediatric Dentistry (aapd. org).
Gersch dental correction and cranky Clindamycin Phosphate for Injection dental correction: 547 east wide Street, Westfield;
401 North Wood Avenue, Linden;
118 Northwest Avenue, cranClindamycin Phosphate for Injection
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