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electronics show to spotlight media on the go

by:Taiyi Electronic     2020-03-21
NEW YORK (Reuters)-
As consumers increasingly demand their music, TV shows and photos to be portable, the struggle to control the entertainment of the living room is spreading to the streets.
As more and more people watch TV on laptops and have a complete catalogue of music in their pockets, when the $140 billion global consumer electronics industry meets next week in Las Vegas, mobility will be a key theme when the 2007 agenda is set.
Consumer Electronics Show (CES)
Starting from Monday, will show everything from a bigger and brighter height
Transfer video from the Internet to small devices on TV.
There will be twice as many lights as wireless audio speakers, and the company-
High quality computer hard disk for consumers now.
\"Part of the reason our industry is growing so well is because technology makes the experience better and more connected anywhere,\" said Sean Wago, an analyst at the Consumer Electronics Association, the association hosts CES.
\"The IPod is a portable device that provides sound in the living room, but can also hook up the car or listen while on the road. ” The four-
The Japanese show is the largest Japanese show in the United States every year. S.
It will attract about 140,000 enthusiasts and retailers to a huge gadget exhibition that will provide a steady stream of food for consumers.
The growth library of personal programming.
It is also important that major TV networks and film studios are expected to announce deals that allow consumers to get more big-screen shows at home or on small screens in their pockets.
While these ideas were put forward in previous years, analysts expect specific products and deals next week.
\"It\'s a year for digital families, but it\'s not a frivolous concept digital family,\" said Steve Baker, an analyst at the NPD Group . \". “In the U. S.
Most people have broadband. . .
And the outbreak of digital hi-
Hd TV.
The building blocks are in place and it\'s time to fill it up.
CES is the starting point for all products from dvd and plasma TVs to Xbox consoles and will start on Sunday with a presentation from Microsoft Inc.
Bill Gates is expected to discuss the growing importance of consumer electronics to the software giant.
Analysts say he will definitely reach out to Microsoft\'s Zune digital music player and Xbox 360, as well as the market for Microsoft\'s new computer operating system Vista, which will be released this year.
Analysts believe Vista will increase demand for a more powerful PC that helps manage the media library.
\"We are very concerned about entertainment and individuality,\" said January . \"
Luc Blakborn, digital entertainment director, HPPackard Co.
, Point to a new category of PC that HP is creating, such as a PC with simple featuresto-use touch-
Screen interface.
Other executives planning to speak at the show are Motorola.
Ed Zander from Walt Disney.
Robert Iger of Nokia\'s Olli company
Pekka Kallasvuo, Dell
Michael Dell and CBS’s Les Moonves.
Analysts expect the two sides to discuss how to share media between devices through numerous systems such as wireless phones and internet downloads.
\"We see that the boundaries are blurred,\" said Wargo of CEA . \".
\"Technology enables any device to view this content.
The place where it lives is becoming less and less important.
Some industry news has been released, especially around
Supporters of rival next are called \"format wars\"
A generation DVD system for hd dvd and Blu-rayray.
Time Warner Inc.
Will unveil a new climax at CES
Play a DVD in both formats to end the battle.
LG Electronics Co. , Ltd. Korea
DVD players that support Blu-ray at the same time will also be launchedray and HD DVD.
Many at CES will also listen to news hundreds of miles away on Macworld.
Mobile phone or TV apps are expected to be launched to complement its market-
IPod music player.
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